Functions ========= .. index:: display() ; SDCat.CoveragePlot function .. js:function:: SDCat.CoveragePlot.display() :noindex: Populates and displays the plot. In most cases, this is the only function you will ever need to run. .. index:: convertToCataloguePlotData() .. js:function:: SDCat.CoveragePlot.convertToCataloguePlotData(temporal) :noindex: Converts the coverage objects returned from the SDCat API into the format required by the CataloguePlot. .. attribute:: temporal :noindex: (*Array*) - Array of coverage objects to convert to CataloguePlot format. .. index:: createLegend() .. js:function:: SDCat.CoveragePlot.createLegend(plot) :noindex: Returns the HTML code to display the legend that will appear above the plot. This is used as the **contentFunction** for the **CoveragePlot** object's legend. .. attribute:: plot :noindex: (*CoveragePlot*) - The underlying **CoveragePlot** object. .. index:: jsTimestampTo2HourBlock() .. js:function:: SDCat.CoveragePlot.jsTimestampTo2HourBlock(timestamp) :noindex: Converts a Javascript timestamp to the nearest SuperDARN 2-hour block. .. attribute:: timestamp :noindex: (*Number*) - Number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.