This is an object used to create an instance of the Catalogue App itself. Prerequisites ============= The following function libraries are required in order to use this object: - ``/js/sdcat/SDCat.js`` - ``/js/SDCat.CoveragePlot.js`` Constructor =========== .. js:class:: SDCat.App(options) .. attribute:: options :noindex: (*Object*) - List of options. These options set attributes of the object: .. attribute:: sdcat :noindex: (*Object*) - Object containing configuration parameters for the SDCat object. Here, you need to specify the URL to the SDCat API instance you wish to query. Example:: var options = { sdcat: { url: "http://localhost:8082/api/v2/" }, }; .. attribute:: plotId :noindex: (*String*) - The ID of the div which will contain the coverage plot itself. (Default: ``sdCat``). .. attribute:: containerDivId :noindex: (*String*) - The ID of the div which will contain the app itself. A div with this ID needs to exist within the body of the page. (Default: ``sdCatContainer``). .. attribute:: sidemenu :noindex: (*Object*) - Object containing variables which determine whether to show/hide various elements of the sidemenu controls: .. attribute:: show :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Show the sidemenu itself (default: ``true``). .. attribute:: showRadarList :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows the list of radars (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showRadarHemisphereButtons :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows the North/South buttons to pre-select radars by hemisphere (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showRadarInstituteSelection :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a drop down box to pre-select radars by institute (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showRadarCountrySelection :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a drop down box to pre-select radars by the country they are located in (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showFileTypeList :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows the list of available file types (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showDateTypeOpts :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows the date type control which allows users to determine the date source of the bars (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showDatePicker :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows the date picker, allowing users to select a custom date range (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showPreselectedDateRanges :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a selection box populated with preselected date ranges (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showSelectAllButton :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a button which selects all the radars and file types (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showGenerateButton :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a button which generates the plot (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showClearButton :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a button which clears the current selection (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: showResetViewButton :noindex: (*Boolean*) - Shows a button to reset the view of the plot after zooming in (default: ``true``) .. attribute:: selectBoxMaxSize :noindex: (*Integer*) - Sets the maximum size of a selection box. Used for the radar list and the file types list (default: ``5``) .. attribute:: plotBarArea :noindex: (*Number*) - Sets the proportion of the radar area taken up by the coverage bar. The value must be between 0 and 1. If this value is set to less than 0, the app will set it to 0. If the value is greater than 1, the app will set it to 1. (Default: ``0.8``). .. attribute:: radarArea :noindex: (*Number*) - Size of the radar area. This is used to calculate the height of the div which will contain the plot. This value is not a pixel value (default: ``20``) .. attribute:: xAxisArea :noindex: (*Number*) - Size of the x-axis area (i.e. the area below the plot). This is used to calculate the height of the div which will contain the plot. This value is not a pixel value (default: ``30``) The height of the plot div is calculated to be ``(radarArea * number_of_radars) + xAxisArea``. .. attribute:: preselected :noindex: (*Object*) - Object containing list of items to preselect within the app upon loading: .. attribute:: radars :noindex: (*Array*) - Array of radar codes to preselect in the app. (default: ``[]``) .. attribute:: fileTypes :noindex: (*Array*) - Array of file types to preselect in the app. (default: ``[]``)